There are 4 new postdoc and 1 lab analyst positions associated with the project EnvADWICE “Environmental Applications of electrical Discharges for Water and aIr Cleaning, and agriculturE” at Division of Environmental Physics, Department of Astronomy, Earth Physics and Meteorology, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University Bratislava (Slovakia).
Postdoc positions:
Topic A: Cold plasma/photocatalysis indoor air treatment (postdoc)
Topic N: Cold plasma nitrogen fixation and plasma-liquid systems (postdoc)
Topic W: Cold plasma wastewater treatment and wastewater diagnostics (postdoc)
Topic P: Cold plasma and plasma-activated water applications in agriculture (postdoc)
Laboratory analyst (water) position
More info on postdoc: http://enviro.fmph.uniba.sk/index.php?link=postdocs
More info on analyst: http://enviro.fmph.uniba.sk/index.php?link=positions
Action details
CSO Approval date – 24/03/2020
Start: 2020 October 6th
Ends: 2024 October 5th
Main aim and objective of the Action
Is to investigate the potential of non-thermal/cold plasmas as a green alternative to conventional fertilizers in agriculture and reduce the need for pesticides.
Smart & sustainable agriculture
Improving the sustainability of agriculture and, at the same time, reducing the adverse effects of agriculture on the environment requires efficient technologies that enhance productivity while maintaining food quality and safety.
Short description
PlAgri Action
The PlAgri Action aims to investigate the potential of low-temperature plasmas (cold plasmas) as a green alternative for treating seeds, plants, agricultural wastewater, growth media, manure, and study undergoing processes of plasma treatment. The Action aims to break the classical field boundaries for a new dimension in sustainable agriculture with lower chemical impact, higher yield, and sustainability.
What is a gaseous plasma?
In summary, plasma is a state of gas in which a significant portion of molecules are dissociated and ionized, containing electrons, atoms, and molecules.
What can plasma do for agriculture?
The Action aims to investigate the potential of non-thermal plasmas as a green alternative to traditional materials and technologies used in agriculture.
Join the Action
Cost Action CA 19110
The inclusion of further partners from currently participating COST Countries, or other countries within or outside the COST Network, is welcome and strongly encouraged during the entire duration of the Action.
If interested in short-term scientific missions and inclusiveness target country conference grants please check the Events section in the menu bar.
PlAgri Action to hold its third Management Committee Meeting online
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