T1.1. Gathering material for the PlAgri Action website and launch of the website.
T1.2. Development of promotional and informational materials. Flyers, annual e-newsletters containing the results of all workgroups results for the attention of the public at large.
T1.3. Launch of the Action’s social media presence (Facebook and Twitter). All partners, in collaboration with their respective public relations/communication departments, will disseminate outcomes in public talks, TV talks, podcasts, or articles in newspapers.
T1.4. Contact and communication flow with existing and potential partners; Involving of relevant policymakers and industry representatives for better science-industry interaction through the organization of special sessions at workshops or conferences.
T1.5. Organization of workshops, training schools, and conference half-day/one-day sessions to acquaint wider academia audiences with the Action’s objectives.
T1.6. Organization of:
- half-day/one day sessions for the general public and small farmers;
- special sessions with industry representatives and policymakers;
- joint discussions about the existing issues and regulations;
- presentations of available plasma-assisted solutions;
- discussions about improvements of the available plasma-assisted technologies and of existing regulations and helping to shape new ones.