Dr Nevena PUAĆ
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- WG1 – Dissemination and communication
- WG2 – Low-temperature plasma treatment of seeds
- WG3 – Low-temperature plasma treatment of plants
- WG4 – Plasma treatment of agricultural wastewater, growth media, manure and production of PAW
- WG5 – Applications of plasma processes and technologies in food industry
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Post Date
january, 2025
Past and Future Events
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Only Future Events
Recent Posts
- 4th (final) Workshop of the Plagri COST Action CA19110
- PlAgri Action to hold its third Management Committee Meeting online
- 3rd Workshop on Plasma Applications for Smart and Sustainable Agriculture & WG2-5 meetings
- 2nd Training School “Cold plasmas to fight microorganisms, viruses & toxins for medical and agricultural applications”
- 2nd Workshop on Plasma Applications for Smart and Sustainable Agriculture
COST ACTION 19110 – PlAgri
Duration: 2020 October 6th → 2024 October 5th
Chair Nevena Puac (RS)
Vice chair Frantisek Krcma (CZ)
Contact: gregor.primc@ijs.si
Join the Action
The inclusion of further partners are welcome and strongly encouraged during the entire duration of the Action.
Team Members
Prof. Dr František KRČMA
Prof. Dr František Krčma short biography
Assist. Prof. Dr Gregor PRIMC
Assist. Prof. Dr Gregor Primc short biography
From 2014 to 2019, he was a Research Assistant with the Jožef Stefan Institute. Since 2019, he has been an Assistant Professor with the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and a Research Associate with the Jožef Stefan Institute Ljubljana, Slovenia. His bibliography includes 50 scientific papers published in international journals with impact factor, 9 review papers, 10 conference papers, 18 published abstracts of invited talks at scientific conferences or workshops, 2 patents granted by the EU office, 3 patents granted by the Slovenian Patent Office, and 10 submitted patents (currently under examination). His research interests include applied plasma science, plasma diagnostics, plasma sources, plasma application for treatment of solid materials, application to agriculture, biotechnology, and water disinfection. He is also the director of a spinout company Plasmadis Ltd.
Dr Augusto Stancampiano short biography
Assist. Prof. Dr Jana ŠIMEČKOVÁ
Assist. Prof. Dr Jana Šimečková short biography
Dr Anton Nikiforov short biography
- physics and applications of plasma-liquid systems;
- plasma diagnostics: laser spectroscopy, emission and absorption spectroscopy;
- plasma-surface interactions in the context of surface treatment of polymers and food products.
Anton Nikiforov’s publication output is more than 100 A1 scientific papers published in Web Of Science on diagnostics of non‐thermal plasmas and plasma technology, 5 book chapters, and 1 book Editorial. He is involved in several scientific networks worldwide in the field of non-thermal plasmas and surface engineering. Currently, he is a researcher at the Department of Applied Physics, Ghent University.
Assoc. Prof. Dr Tomislava Vukušić Pavičić
Dr Felipe Iza short biography
From 2011 to 2016, she was a Research Assistant at the same Faculty and since 2017, she has been an Assistant Professor. From this year she works as an Associate Professor at the Department of Food Engineering, Laboratory for Food Processes Engineering. Her bibliography includes more than 30 research papers in highly cited Journals. Her research is based on the application of new non-thermal technologies in the food industry, emphasizing the application and development of cold plasma. As the winner of the prestigious Fulbright scholarship in the USA, she has applied the acquired knowledge at her home institution in Croatia, through the development of high-voltage plasma discharge devices. Currently, most of her research interest is based on electro-based technologies like pulsed electric fields and high voltage discharge plasmas, as well as examining the effects of plasma treatment on the inactivation of microorganisms, and the plasma impact on food and high-value food components.
Dr Monika Magureanu short biography
Prof. Dr Joanna PAWŁAT
Prof. Dr Joanna Pawłat short biography
Dr Henrike BRUST
Dr Henrike Brust short biography
Prof. Dr Wolfgang GERNJAK
Prof. Dr Wolfgan Gernjak short biography
In 2020 I commenced several new grants and activities. The H2020 project iWAYS develops heat and water recovery solutions for several process industries, implementing circular economy principles. The main technology studied by ICRA is membrane distillation. We also commenced the Catalan-funded projects SUGGEREIX, developing a decision support system for reclaimed water treatment and the TRAÇA project that develops the knowledge base for the Catalan actuation to protect the lower Llobregat and the Barcelona regions drinking water supplies. Both link intrinsically with our ongoing INVEST project funded by the AEI. Regarding novel treatment technologies, the collaboration with Wetsus (Netherlands), Trojan Technologies (Canada), and others continue to develop novel oxidation processes based on Vacuum UV radiation. Within the MSCA EJD NOVELTIES, I supervise two Ph.D. theses commenced in 2020, one on catalytic ozonation and another on developing plasma-initiated oxidation processes. The latter also closely links to CA19110 – Plasma applications for smart and sustainable agriculture, also started in 2020.