The Conference Grants are exclusively reserved for Ph.D. students and post-docs up to 8 years after Ph.D. with a primary affiliation in an institution located in an Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC, for details, see Annotated Rules for COST Actions) participating in the Action. The applicant shall make an oral/poster presentation at the conference in question and shall be listed in the official event/conference program. The main subject of the oral presentation/poster presentation/speech at the approved conference shall be on the topic of the Action and shall acknowledge COST (see Annotated Rules for COST Actions). The participation of each applicant shall be pre-approved by the Action MC.
ITC pays for travel, accommodation (maximum 160 € per day), and conference fee (maximum 500 €). The requested budget must be realistic for the relevant country, the value will be carefully checked by the STSM coordinator.
Before conference
The applicant will complete the online form in the e-COST system containing the following information (details see also in INCLUSIVENESS TARGET COUNTRIES (ITC) CONFERENCE GRANTS User guide):
- General information about Conference with a link to its website;
- Curriculum Vitae with a list of main publications;
- Short description of applicant’s involvement in Action (including also related Work Group this Action – WGx and studied topics);
- Abstract submitted to the conference (with information about Cost Action CA19110 supporting this work);
- Acceptance letter of abstract issued by conference organizers or International Scientific Committee of the given conference;
- Conference Grant details – attendance at the conference must start and end during the same Grant Period (GP). If a GP is not active, the applicant will not be able to submit an application;
- Bank details;
- Financial support;
- Supporting documents, including a Motivation letter and a Supporting letter signed by the supervisor.
After evaluation by STSMs/ITCCG coordinator, the grant holder will send an official letter confirming the grant.
Note: Conferences are planned long in advance. If you plan to go to the conference in the next budget period, complete all materials in advance with the exception of e-COST documents for the preliminary evaluation. This will also be helpful for future budget planning. The number of grants will be limited, so high-quality research is expected.
After conference
The grantee will complete a brief report. The grantee must complete this template and save it in pdf before uploading it in e-COST no later than 30 days after the conference.
After report evaluation by STSMs/ITCCG coordinator, the grant holder will complete payment of the grant.
In case of any questions contact the STSM coordinator leader Prof. Dr. Jana Šimečková or vice Prof. Dr. Indrek Jogi.